Trading Contests from Forex brokers

Formula Forex Contest
Each month
Forex DEMO account traders can try their skills in the DeltaStock contest.
Top 3 contestants with a maximum
account balance at the end of each month win bonuses as follows:
First Place: 1000 Euro
Second Place: 500 Euro
Third Place: 300 Euro
The contest winners will be entitled to receive their prize only if they open a live Delta Trading account and their initial
deposit is at least 1000 Euro (or a current account balance of at least 1000 Euro for existing clients).
Winners are awarded bonuses, should they open Live Trading Accounts later on.
Win a Free $100 Trading Account
Open a Demo or Real Verified Trader account and you are immediately eligible to win a free $100
trading account. This money is immediately credited to a real trading account.
Chance to win $500 USD to $1500 USD credit to begin live trading.

No cost to enter. No commission. No hidden charges
Contestants can start trading immediately on registration.
Results evaluated based on trading activity over 30 day duration.
The contest is held every week. The rules are simple: register providing name, country and email and receive a number
for your account. Come an trade for the week and try to increase your capital as much as you can during a competition session.
The winner will be a contestant with the highest equity by the end of the week.
Winner prize is $100 which can be out on real account or withdrawn.
Trader need to register a new demo account (using special form). Then trade during the week from Monday to Friday and try to increase the balance to the best extent.
On Friday evening all accounts will be locked. 10 top accounts win. Place/Prize
1. $100
2. $50
3. $25
4-10. $5
Bonus is given to the real trading account cannot be withdrawn.
Ultimate Demo Contest
Contest is held each month.
A fee of $44.95 is required to enter monthly contest.
Or a fee of $500 can be paid upfront for yearly contest. Every months a trader will have a choice to either continue contest participation, where the monthly cost of $41.67 will be applied from the initial $500 paid upfront, or stop contest participation and transfer remaining funds to the live account.
Wins a contestant with the highest account equity by the end of the contest month. In case winner''s account equity equals to 5x the beginning equity or more, he/she will receive credit of $3000 on a live trading account. With account equity less than 5x the beginning equity a winner will receive a credit of $1500 on a live trading account.
FXContest form Oanda allows traders to hold their own trading contests between friends and rivals - without any limitations. Great place to compare own trading skills against other contestants!
There are lots of trading contests to choose from.
Prizes and/or other rewards are defined by organizers.
Contest registration: from 23.03.2009 12:00 (GMT+1) - till 03.04.2009 17:00 (GMT+1)
Contest period: from 06.04.2009 00:00 (GMT+1) - till 17.04.2009 23:59 (GMT+1)
1st place $1000
2nd place $500
3rd place $300
4th place $100
5th place $100

Russian Roulette lasts for 24 hours. Starts every week on Thursday.
A participant needs an initial deposit of 500$ or an existing account.
The winner is one who has the largest deposit on his trading account by the end of the competition.
1. $500
2. $300
3. $200
A real account to the winner's name will be opened without right of withdrawing initial $500. The balance, earned over initial $500, is the property of the winner. If the winner already had a real trading account he wins $700.
Weekly Trading Challenge
Each week eToro holds trading challenges for traders who holds an eToro’s Real Account.
Traders with the highest weekly profits become winners.
Place 1 gets $500
Place 2 gets $300
Place 3 gets $200
Places 4 to 6 get $100 each!
Places 7 to 10 get $50 each!
Forex Watchers Live weekly competition
Each trading week:
Clients who have earned at least +400 pips will receive a $50 cash bonus via Paypal (no minimum number of trade restrictions)
Scalpers who have earned at least +100 pips will receive a $50 cash bonus via Paypal (minimum transactions requirements apply to fall under the scalper category)
Trading week is from opening of the market on Sunday 5PM EST until close of the market on Friday 5PM EST.
Scalpers - those who place a minimum of 10 mini lot trades a day or a minimum of 50 trades in the entire trading week.
Micro Trading Contest
Traders holding live Micro-accounts can participate in live trading competition.
Each month, over $40 000 is shared among to the top 3 winners as follows:
1. $25 000
2. $10 000
3. $5 000
There is no registration form or entry fee required. All live FXCM Micro accounts with a minimum balance of $500 by the first of each month are automatically entered into the contest.
All prizes are cash prizes with no restrictions on withdrawing the prize money!
Mini Account Championship
Live mini account holders canenter a Championship, which begins at 20th of April and ends at 29th of May, 2009.
1st Place : $ 3000
2nd Place : $ 2000
3rd Place : $ 1500
4th Place : $ 1000
5th Place : $ 500
IBFX Mini Challenge for LIVE Mini Accounts
The IBFX Mini Challenge is open to new and existing IBFX Mini Account clients.
The contest is running every new month.
Each month, the top five performers, based on percentage gain, will be awarded the following cash prizes:
1. $3,000.00
2. $1,500.00
3. $750.00
4. $500.00
5. $250.00
The contest lasts for 1 month. To participate in the contest a trader needs to open a real mini-account ($200).
However, all trading operations in a contest are made only with virtual money.
Prizes and money are distributed the next way:
| 1st Place | $500 |
| 2nd Place | $300 |
| 3rd Place | $200 |